Latest Episodes

Secret Married (Secret War)
Christi and Chris tackle Secret War, A.K.A. the one where they do a bad wrong in another country. We express our love for comics...

Whatever Apocolypse Wants, Apocolypse Gets (Mutant Massacre Pt. 2)
Christi and Chris tackle the second half of Mutant Massacre. These issues take us on a wild ride, from the power of friendship and...

THIS. IS. BLOOMINGDALES. (Mutant Massacre Pt. 1)
Christi and Chris venture into the first X-Men crossover, Mutant Massacre! It’s about as upbeat as it sounds, and we dive into: the X-Men...

Inter-dimensional TED Talk (Zero Hour Pt. 2)
Christi and Chris are joined by podcaster and comic creator, Chris Sims as we wrap up our discussion of Zero Hour. What do timeshares,...

Doin' It Time Style (Zero Hour Part 1)
Christi and Chris are joined by our early-to-mid-nineties comic expert, Everett Christensen, to tackle Zero Hour. We talk cotton candy comics, how to wow...

I Know What I Signed Up For (Kraven's Last Hunt Pt. 2)
Christi and Chris are joined by [Matt D. Wilson]( for this wrap up episode of Kraven's Last Hunt! Join us as we discuss some...