Latest Episodes

The Emo Bangs of Comics (Secret Invasion pt. 1)
Christi and Chris question everything and everyone during part one of our Secret Invasion coverage. In this episode you’ll find just good things, no...

Eternally Delightful In All Universes
Christi and Chris get a little loony in our Superman and Bugs Bunny patron-requested episode. Is reliving our childhoods all that we hoped? Can...

Baby Time Clock (Messiah War Pt. 2)
Christi and Chris wrap up coverage of Messiah War. What does this event have in common with Rudolf the Rednosed Reindeer? Who are the...

The Pitch Episode (Messiah War pt. 1)
Christi and Chris are back with that X-Men content you crave for the first half of our Messiah War coverage. Join us as we...

Miek is a Musical Boy (World War Hulk)
Christi and Chris never stop making them pay in our World War Hulk episode. Christi embraces the tie-in burden and Chris gives a thrilling...

80 Pages, No Ads (Invasion! Pt. 2)
Christi and Chris wrap up DC’s Invasion! (The one where all the heroes are gone, except the ones that aren’t.) In this episode we...