Latest Episodes

Maybe It's Goblin Queen (Inferno Pt 2)
Christi and Chris cover the first half of the Goblin Queen's story in the second of their three Inferno episodes. Why do the women...

The Krakoan Kindergarten Class (Inferno Pt.1)
In part one of three of the Chris's coverage of Inferno, we discuss the New Mutants portion of the event, supplemented by The X-Tremists....

Wonder Woman Mom Jeans (Black Hammer / Justice League)
In the Chrises first time covering a Dark Horse comic, we discuss that time that the Justice League swapped places with Black Hammer. If...

Oh No, My Bean (Excalibur: Weird War III)
Christi and Chris get weird in this patron-requested Weird War 3 episode! What's the deal with Excalibur and Nazis? How brutal is Kitty Pryde?...

Frog4Pig (A Muppet Family Christmas)
It's time for our Patreon reward episode covering the 1987 A Muppet Family Christmas, a crossover of epic proportions. The Muppets of The Muppet...

Way To Know Science (War of the Realms Part Two)
Christi and Chris cover the back half of War of the Realms. Join us for all of the Thors and some power couple action....