Latest Episodes

Butt Dialing Poseidon (War of the Gods Pt. 1)
Christi and Chris plunge headfirst into the pantheons of DC gods. Join us as we speculate on the phone habits of Zeus, how aware...

Universe Ending Steaks (Chaos War Pt. 2)
Christi and Chris polish off Chaos War spiced with a unique blend of tie ins. Join us as we dive into Hulk's daddy issues,...

Underworld Poker (Chaos War Part 1)
Christi and Chris are your guides to the God Squad as we talk about our favorite chompy boy, Galactus, the surprising parallel between Nightmare...

I Don't Feel So Good, Ms. Frost (House of M Part 3)
Christi and Chris are joined by special guest, Charlie Davis, in this wrap up episode for House of M. We dish on Bobby's baggy...

House of Men (House of M Part 2)
Christi and Chris explore the complex world of House of M, where Peter Parker reminds us of Eminem more than Spider Man, Magneto chooses...

Magic Namor XXL (House of M Part 1)
Christi and Chris dive into House of M, the crossover which not only changed everything but also gave us Gambit as an even worse...